Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Crepe Cottage (Gurney Drive)

Aisling heard that Crepe Cottage on Gurney Drive offered good Western food, and so we headed there to try it out.

Crepe Cottage is, in every sense of the word, really a cottage. Or more like a house on stilts. It's really small and cramped, but the atmosphere is quite cozy, like in a teashop.

They specialize in dishes served with crepe and/or pancakes. The food is OK and the prices a little higher than average but the waiting time for your orders to get to you is painstakingly long. Definitely not recommended for impatient diners.

The front of the building. Like I said, really tiny.

Some customers left as their orders took too long.

We were on the verge of leaving too; it took about an hour for our food to arrive.

Gone Bananas (a standard banana split) - RM8.50

Italian-Herbs Lambchop (Aisling didn't like the herbs and scraped them all off the meat) - RM15.50

Baked Fish with Lemon Sauce (not bad, although not very filling) -RM14.50

A map to help you find it, as always. Just drive along Gurney Drive, you can't miss it.